Doctor Honoris Causa of “Nicolae Testemitanu” University title awarding to Emeritus Professor Dan Lucian Dumitrascu from “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca University of Medicine and Pharmacy
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The Senate of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa honorary title to Emeritus Professor Dan Lucian Dumitrascu from Iuliu Hatieganu Cluj-Napoca University of Medicine and Pharmacy, head of the Department of Internal Medicine no. 3 at the Emergency County Clinical Hospital, a well-known European specialist in the field of gastroenterology, full member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences.
At the beginning of the ceremony, University Rector Emil Ceban read Laudatio, noting that the honorary title is bestowed on Professor Dan Lucian Dumitrascu for his considerable and constant contribution to the development of cooperative relations between Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy. This partnership was achieved through the development and refresher training of the scientific and didactic staff of our university and the medical staff in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology for the healthcare system of the Republic of Moldova, the substantial contribution to the prosperity of higher medical education, medical sciences, and society. Over the years, the number of trips and training courses of the scientific-teaching staff and doctors specializing in gastroenterology and hepatology, as well as joint scientific events, has increased. Dan Lucian Dumitrascu actively participates as an official referent and member of the specialized scientific councils supporting doctoral theses and habilitated doctor dissertation in medical sciences.
"Thanks to his efforts, the process of implementing European standards in the gastroenterology and hepatology service of the country intensified, as a result, in 2022 the Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Republic of Moldova became a member of the United European Gastroenterology. Professor Dan Lucian Dumitrascu is a well-known personality, with indisputable authority and reputation in Romania, in the Republic of Moldova and abroad. The scientist is available to contribute to the realization and expansion of cooperation plans in the future in the fields of medical training, the exchange of teachers and students, scientific research, and other joint projects, being always open for collaboration", the rector pointed out.
In support of the Senate's decision, university professor Eugen Tcaciuc, head of the Gastroenterology Discipline within the Department of Internal Medicine (DIM), noted that relations with the partners in Cluj-Napoca were initiated in the 90s by the late professor Vlada-Tatiana Dumbravă, ex -head of the Department of Gastroenterology, and later they intensified during jointly organized conferences, congresses, and other scientific events. Also, Professor Dumitrascu contributed to the development of this branch in the Republic of Moldova as a referent for the defense of three doctoral theses in medical sciences, as well as to the exchange of experience regarding new methods of diagnosis and treatment. Accordingly, two specialists from the Gastroenterology Discipline were trained in high-resolution manometry and ph-metry in Romania. "You are a famous scientist, a clinician and a special person with rare human qualities. He constantly supports us, as if we were his children", emphasized Professor Tcaciuc.
According to university professor Valeriu Istrati, head of the Internal Medicine-Semiology Discipline, DIM, Professor Dumitrascu is a very gentle, very sensitive man, kindness being his visiting card - a remarkable personality not only in Romanian medicine, but also at the international level. "You are included in the list of collaborators of our department who are teaching semiology. At the same time, we have joint research plans, through co-supervision. We want to edit together a textbook of medical semiology for our students", pointed out Valeriu Istrati.
For his part, Dan Lucian Dumitrascu expressed his joy after being reunited with many friends and colleagues from our university, reiterating his availability for continued collaboration in the future. The professor presented some data from his biography, as well as the most important achievements in medicine at the national and international level. At the end of his speech, the scientist gave assurances that he would support the partnership with the Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Chisinau, by carrying out joint research projects and exchange of experience in the field, writing publications. "I feel overwhelmed by the honor you have given me here in Chisinau, I am convinced that our friendship will continue", said Professor Dumitrascu.
The ceremony took place on November 22, in the presence of university senators, representatives of the Discipline of Gastroenterology and the Discipline of Internal Medicine-Semiology, DIM.
Professor Dan Lucian Dumitrașcu was born on February 5, 1957, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In 1968 he successfully graduated from General School no. 11 in his hometown, after which he continued his studies at Emil Racovita High School and George Baritiu High School in Cluj-Napoca.
After graduating from high school in 1976, he was admitted to the Faculty of General Medicine of the Cluj-Napoca University of Medicine and Pharmacy. He graduated in 1982 with a diploma of merit. In the same year, through competition, he started his career as a trainee doctor at Medical Clinic no. 5 of Iuliu Hatieganu UMF, where for two years he accumulated professional knowledge and practical skills.
From 1984 to 1986 he worked at Daniel Danielopolu Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology in Bucharest as a Level 2 Doctor, later devoting himself to research as a scientific researcher at the Cluj- Napoca Institute of Hygiene and Public Health. In 1993 he became a primary internal medicine doctor, and from 1996 - a primary gastroenterology doctor, in the same year acquiring skills in general ultrasound.
Between 1998-2000 he studied cognitive behavioral psychotherapy at the Faculty of Psychology of Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca University, in 2010 he obtained the health management certificate, and in 2016 he became a specialist in psychosomatics at the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine.
Simultaneously with the accumulation of knowledge and practical and research skills, starting in 1991, he began his teaching career at Alma Mater as an assistant at the Medical Clinic no. 3. Here, in 1994, he brilliantly defends his doctorate thesis in medical sciences and continues to advance in positions: from head of works - in 1997, to Associate Professor - 2001, professor of semiology and head of Internal Medicine section 3, Cluj County Emergency Clinic Hospital - 2007, head of discipline Medical Clinic 2 (2012-2022), vice-rector for academic evaluation and international relations (2012-2019), Associate Professor of the Doctoral and Master's School and Emeritus Professor of Iuliu Hatieganu UMFnfrom 2022.
In parallel with the exceptional clinical, pedagogical, and managerial activity, Dan Dumitrașcu engaged in intense scientific research work, which materialized in numerous published scientific works: over 30 books or chapters, 300 articles indexed in Pubmed, with the Hirsch Index of 28, according to Clarivate Core Collection (ISI). He was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, deputy editor-in-chief of Clinical Gastroenterology magazine and member of the editorial board of several magazines in Romania and abroad.
Professor Dan Lucian Dumitrascu is a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, president of the European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition since 2020, honorary president of the Romanian Society of Neurogastroenterology, head of the Committee of Gastroenterology National Societies of the European Union and coordinator of Gaucher Disease in Romania. Previously the scientist has held the positions of president of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vice president of the Romanian Society of Internal Medicine and of the European Society of Clinical Investigation, etc.
Professor Dan Lucian Dumitrascu was awarded the Hetenyi Geza Medal of the Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology (2019), the George Palade Prize for scientific research by the Romanian College of Physicians, numerous distinctions, diplomas of excellence and other mentions.
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