Modern surgery through the perspective of technological progress
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The 14th National Congress with international participation of Nicolae Anestiadi Association of Surgeons and the 4th Congress of V.M. Gutu Society of Endoscopy, Minimally Invasive Surgery and Ultrasonography from the Republic of Moldova took place between 21-23 September 2023 in Chisinau, with the generic title Modern surgery through the perspective of technological progress.
The President of the Congress, university professor Sergiu Ungureanu, head of Department of Surgery no. 4 at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, newly elected president of Nicolae Anestiadi Association of Surgeons from the Republic of Moldova, expressed his belief that this scientific event would generate an exchange of ideas and good practices for the entire surgical community. "Surgery has advanced a lot in recent years, almost all clinics are endowed with equipment for minimally invasive, laparoscopic, endoscopic, and endovascular surgery. Nowadays, we simply cannot perform any surgery without state-of-the-art equipment. I am glad that all the specialists present at the forum are aware of and interested in this subject, and we hope to have the support of all competent bodies in the continuous modernization of the field", mentioned professor Ungureanu at the opening of the scientific event.
President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova Igor Grosu also participated in the inauguration of the event and thanked the surgeons for the fact that they save lives every day with professionalism, devotion, dedication, and love for people. "The national health system is not perfect; we still have a lot of work to do to meet international standards. In recent years, due to external partners, substantial investments have been made in the form of high-performance equipment, which allows the modernization of the system both in Chisinau and in the districts. Recently, the government and the Ministry of Health identified financial resources to build two new hospitals in Balti and Cahul. Surgery is modernized through the perspective of technological progress, which allows our people to benefit from medical treatment at home according to the latest trends. You have successfully adopted the most advanced technologies and methods, and I am glad that recently more and more interventions are being performed for the first time on patients with serious health problems", pointed out the head of the legislature.
"You are the representatives of a special profession, very much needed and prestigious but difficult and risky at the same time, which requires total dedication and continuous struggle for life and health, and ultimately - for our survival as a nation", Nicolae Testemitanu University rector Emil Ceban stressed in his speech. The rector made a foray into the history of the local surgical service, emphasizing that, with the founding of Chisinau State Medical Institute in 1945, scientific schools were created, the foundation of beautiful traditions in the field of surgery was laid, many surgeons of great value were trained, who have enriched these traditions and actively participated in all reforms and reshuffles in the health system and higher medical education, oriented towards integration into the circuit of European and world values.
"We are optimistic that, alongside resounding names of national and international experts, talented young people are being trained, worthy of continuing and developing the valuable traditions inherited from our predecessors and colleagues. You show honesty, true patriotism, and civic responsibility, fulfilling your sacred duty and providing qualified medical care, thus serving as a model for future generations and contributing to the image and the visibility of Alma Mater. We hope that the exchange of experience between different specialized schools will open new horizons and opportunities in the field and new mutually beneficial cooperation relations will be established and developed in the future", concluded professor Ceban.
For his part, State Secretary of the Ministry of Health Ion Prisacari noted that the field of surgery, although a complex one, with multiple challenges, also recorded many good results: "The list of surgical interventions that are not performed in the Republic of Moldova, compared to other countries, is being reduced every year. Innovations are constantly being implemented and new successful surgeries are being performed.”
"Here we discuss new topics and exchange information, ideas and experiences, learn the latest techniques and improve our surgical skills. Currently, surgery is progressing rapidly, many minimally invasive, laparoscopic methods are being launched, and the range of surgical interventions is expanding. By participating in relevant congresses, Moldovan surgeons make a valuable contribution to global scientific and medical development, increasing the visibility of local medicine in the international environment", said university professor Gheorghe Rojnoveanu, head of Nicolae Anestiadi Department of Surgery no. 1 and ex-president of Nicolae Anestiadi Association of Surgeons from the Republic of Moldova.
President of V.M. Gutu Society of Endoscopy, Minimally Invasive Surgery and Ultrasonography Eliferii Pitel expressed his belief that this congress was a valuable scientific event, with a great impact in maintaining the high level of surgical science, as well as preserving and strengthening relationships with fellow guild members.
According to the general secretary of the Romanian Society of Surgery Valeriu Șurlin, the delegation from Romania at this event is an impressive one, which proves that the twinning with the similar society from Chisinau was not a formal one, it is real, alive, and will continue to be so for many years. Finally, the professor invited his colleagues from the Republic of Moldova to the next congress of the Romanian Society of Surgery.
The scientific forum gathered both local and foreign surgeons - representatives of most surgical specialties and subspecialties, who presented the most innovative treatment methods in surgical pathologies applied in Romania, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, France, Uzbekistan, the USA, etc. The surgeons addressed topics such as: cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, minimally invasive surgery, bronchoscopy, colorectal surgery, and surgical infection.
Currently, the training of surgeons at Nicolae Testemitanu University is carried out within six departments, whose members are involved in the process of training students, under 16 surgical residency study programs and 144 continuing medical education programs.
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